Monday, October 15, 2007

o06. 'The sea is a city'

"Prusten!" That was the first noise Pi heard upon awakening from an unsatisfying sleep. It was Richard Parker. This noise isn’t a noise commonly heard by tigers, because that specific noise expresses friendliness and harmless intentions. “Prusten” is the very noise that inspires Pi and gives him the idea that may in fact end up saving his life; He would train Richard Parker. After reading the survival manual, Pi’s time on the boat becomes more liveable and he knows what is safe to do and what isn’t. Pi builds a canopy on his raft, and inflates solar stills that provide salt-free ocean water. However, his good luck takes a disheartening turn when Pi’s long hours of fishing make no avail. How is Pi supposed to train a tiger without treats? Just when all his hope had just about run out, his answer hit him across the face. Literally. Flying fish come out of the ocean and shower over the lifeboat, hitting Pi and Richard Parker. Some of them even land on the lifeboat, providing Pi and Richard with a large quantity of fish. These fish prove to be very functional, and Pi uses them as bait, food, and treats for Richard. With some improvements on Pi’s behalf and the tiger’s natural habits, the lifeboat is beginning to look more and more like a zoo enclosure. Pi has now lasted a whole week on the lifeboat with a man-eating predator, but he will now be able to last forever. How long can he last with such a dangerous creature on board?

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